Thursday, November 10, 2011

[Permanent?] Hiatus

Hi fans. It is with mixed emotions that I report the official hiatus of OTV + subsequently of re:Hashing History, too. I'm consolidating my efforts to focus on the Demystifying My Depression project.

Who knows, though? My travels may bring me back full-circle to revive OTV + this project again in the future. I'll keep this blog around as an archive, since it seems like the whopping three posts are still popular with regular visitors... It warms my heart to know that folks are still discovering + enjoying them:)

If you'd like to keep up with my current short-form ramblings, you can still follow me on Twitter (srexroth). In addition to the mental health stuff, I also tweet about design, Pgh, yoga, music, Russia, human rights, crafting, Roma + animal cuteness. Ya know, important junk.

Of course, you can find me writing regularly at

Thanks for the super fun times.