Stephie Jane Rexroth
author, autodidact // assistant, adviser, apprentice // i am a circle
of three // fiery, dark & wild is me // i am badcatski // keeper of
our moon-tail hawk tribe's thirteen guardian-goddesses // these are our
true-true life-lies
Fiery, Dark & Wild
is a storybook-metafesto, the current manifestation of Badcatski,
offering origin stories of the 13 Guardian-Goddesses of Our Moon-tail
Hawk Tribe. I am their spirit keeper.
Fiery, Dark & Wild
is life-study synergy, a circle of three: living-artistry, herbalism:
"grand mama medicina," and walking the arduous shamanic path.
Artist, author, autodidact: I am a circle of three.
Fiery, Dark & Wild is me.
I am Badcatski.
Fiery, Dark & Wild is me.
I am Badcatski.
Light, life and love
SJ(R) Badcatski